Townsville Central State School is proud of its strong, positive community spirit amongst parents, teachers and children, and encourages the active involvement of families in the functioning of the school.
In 2015 P&C initiated the Class Reps program at Townsville Central. Each class has their own parent/carer class rep. Class reps are a liaison between the classroom teacher and the parent group for that class promoting events, needs and successes relating to the class.
To join the mailing list for your child's class, please talk to the class rep for your class (the classroom teacher can give you their name) OR send an email to
with the following details: name of child, child's class, parent name/s, parent email address/es. This email will be accessible by all of the class reps so you can send details for all children's classes in the one email.
Class reps may:
prepare and maintain a class contact list
update class families via email/newsletter on a regular basis on happenings within the class
request parent/carer help within the classroom or for special excursions or events eg. Under 8’s Day
be a contact for new families
arrange class social events to help families get to know each other
collect resources from families for class activities/learning themes and topics