We believe that clubs support children to become resilient. Clubs provide connectedness and belonging, providing friends, fostering language development in specific fields, and supporting an 'exception story' for each participating child - becoming good at something that supports the development of a positive mind set and self-esteem. Our clubs include (but are not limited to) Science Club, Japanese Club, Chess Club, Wellbeing Club, Junior Art Clb, Senior Art Club, Rubix Cube Club, ATSIAP Club (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aspirations Program), Gardening Club (Term 2-3), Hot Ropes (skipping to music and choreography), Choir, Opti-Minds (Term 3-4) and more!
Clubs are usually held during break times, and sometimes before school.
Selected students also participate in the award-winning Global Tropics STEM Virtual Academy programs.
Training times for various sports are held at different times of the year.